There are many different ways that we can answer the call God has for our lives. What is most important is that you discover the right place for you, whether that is as a married person, an ordained person, a single person, or as a religious.
There is a need to pray, reflect and question how God is calling us to live out our vocation. That process of praying, reflecting and questioning is known as discernment. The discernment process is a purposeful stance which involves looking at, understanding, entering into, and experiencing a particular vocation. One cannot discern from a distance – literally one needs to jump out of the boat and walk towards Jesus with faith and hope that they are hearing the Lord call their name in a particular way. The only way to really know is to dare to bring oneself to God in prayer and honestly ask: “Where are you calling me?”
In the midst of the questions, the reflecting and prayer, we might sense God leading us towards a certain state of life.